A próxima Experiência de Liderança será realizada no Sri Lanka em 2025.
As inscrições já estão abertas!

Sri Lanka 2025 → Applicant’s Reference

Personal reference for Global Children’s Forum Leadership Experience Applicants

Before answering the questions below, please consider the criteria that the Global Children’s Forum (GCF) uses when deciding on the suitability of an applicant. This is a person who:

  • is an experienced children’s ministry leader who is already training others
  • has proven leadership abilities or significant leadership potential
  • is responsible and hard-working
  • works well in a team
  • is very competent in both written and spoken English
  • is most likely to be between 25 and 45 years
  • is available to attend a four-week residential training in Sri Lanka
  • is able to source all or a significant portion of the US$1,800 Course Fees and pay all airfares and associated travel costs (passport, visa, travel and medical insurance)
  • is supported in his or her application by the church or Christian organisation in which s/he is a children’s ministry leader

Please answer the following questions in relation to the applicant. Take as much space as you need to give us adequate information about this person.