The next Leadership Experience will be held in Sri Lanka in 2025.
Applications are now open!

About GCF

The Global Children’s Forum ( is a global collaborative community of churches, ministries and organisations founded on relationships of trust. We desire that every child might have the opportunity to meet and follow Jesus and be nurtured in the love of God to be all that He intends them to be.

GCF believes that children’s lives are shaped by family, media, church, school and a range of other organisations. GCF seeks to be a selfless movement that quietly serves each of these in a way that helps them in their role to protect children and to help them to identify, shape and release their God-given potential.

GCF believes that collaboration is the key to reaching and making disciples of children around the world. Working alone, we are only scratching the surface of this challenge. To this end, multiple projects are being developed through GCF to serve the local church. These projects include:

  • GCF Leadership Experience
  • A radical approach to helping children discover Jesus
  • Strong advocacy for children within churches and global networks
  • A forum for bringing together people working amongst children at risk
  • Articles to encourage discussion on mission amongst children
  • A large free and open source library of children’s ministry resources:
  • An all age programme that is ideally suited to help your family grow together in faith and fitness:
  • A campaign to see Children Everywhere Walking With Jesus, including a challenge to guide the local church body through a process of expanding their understanding of children and how God sees them, considering the things which impact children, and exploring new possibilities in ministry with children:
  • An innovative model that integrates life skills and discipleship:
  • An open source media strategy to raise up children’s TV and internet outreach: