The next Leadership Experience will be held in Sri Lanka in 2025.
Applications open 15th January 2025.

Supervisor’s Covenant

The Covenant between the Global Children’s Forum Leadership Experience Facilitation Team and the Supervisor

Before signing this Covenant, please ensure that you have read, and that you are able to commit to the requirements as outlined on the Information for Supervisors.

By agreeing to this Covenant, you are indicating agreement with the role of Supervisor as set out in the Supervisors Guide: The Supervisor serves as the accountability person who makes sure that the Participant is progressing and staying on track throughout the course of study. This is a coaching role, not an authoritarian role.

The GCF Leadership Experience Facilitation Team undertakes to:

  • Pray for you and the supervising relationship regularly.
  • Provide you with support and encouragement.
  • Respond quickly to any questions which may emerge in the course of the Supervisor’s interaction with the participant.
  • Provide short Report Forms and Project Evaluation Forms at appropriate times.
  • Give the final approval for the GCF Leadership Experience Certificate to be awarded.

In agreeing to this Covenant, you the Supervisor undertake to:

  • Meet with the Participant once prior to coming to the Leadership Experience Intensive Course for the purpose of building a relationship and discussing potential Ministry Project ideas.
  • Meet with the Participant regularly following the Intensive Course to monitor progress on assignments and Ministry Project(s). It is the responsibility of the Participant to initiate the meetings, arranging a time and place that is mutually suitable, and to keep a record of the decisions and action steps that arise from each meeting so that they can be reviewed at subsequent meetings
  • Empower and give guidance rather than solve the problems that emerge or rescue the Participant.
  • Give specific guidance in the planning and implementation of the Ministry Project(s).
  • Submit two reports to the GCF Advisor on the progress of the Participant. A Report Form will be provided. The final report will include an evaluation of the Ministry Project