The next Leadership Experience begins in November 2024
Applications for the 2025 GCF Leadership Experience ARE NOW CLOSED.
Learning from not only the facilitators but also from other participants was very eye-opening and a huge blessing for me! Yes, there was a lot of new information we got - BUT it wasn’t the main thing that changed me. What truly had an impact on me were the relationships with the people I met and the experiences we shared. God changed my heart about children’s ministry.
For your church or organisation, it is a unique opportunity to invest in the leaders of your children’s ministry so that they become people who can influence and transform our communities for the sake of children.
To experiment with a truly 'kingdom minded' attitude. Beyond a theory, to experience it with His truth, love and Spirit gave me a beautiful taste. Today I know it is possible to work fully for the Kingdom.
We encourage you to apply for the GCF Leadership Experience if:
- You are an experienced children’s worker of at least five years and are already training others
- Others recognise your leadership abilities in children’s ministry
- You work well in a team
- You are most likely to be between 20 and 45 years of age
- Your church or Christian organisation recommends you for LE
- You commit to complete the LE community research before you attend the residential intensive training
- You are able to attend the LE Intensive Residential Program in Mukono, Uganda from 3rd-28th February 2025
- You are committed to fulfil every LE requirement.
I am re-envisioned, inspired and challenged with a more holistic and global view of children’s ministry and of leadership.
Over one year, LE participants commit to:
- Undertake guided community research amongst children and leaders
- Participate in the Residential Course in Mukono, Uganda focussing on Biblical Foundations of Holistic Children’s Ministry, Understanding the context of children, Transformational Discipling and Kingdom Leadership.
- Interact with each other in online forums
- Meet regularly with Mentors and Supervisors
- Complete a Ministry Project which brings LE learning into your ministry