The next Leadership Experience will be held in Sri Lanka in 2025.
Applications are now open!

Participant’s Covenant

The Covenant between the Global Children’s Forum Leadership Experience Facilitation Team and the Participant

Before signing this Covenant, please ensure that you have read, and that you are able to commit to the requirements as outlined on the Information for Participants.

By agreeing to this Covenant, you are indicating agreement with the role and requirements of the Participant as set out in the GCF Leadership Experience Participants Guide.

THE GCF Leadership Experience Facilitation Team undertakes to:

  • Communicate regularly with you and respond promptly to questions or comments you may have.
  • Communicate with your mentor and supervisor to ensure that your local support is coordinated.
  • Build Christian community.
  • Deliver resources and facilities needed for assignments in a timely manner.
  • Coordinate a team of experienced facilitators who will provide thoughtful and interactive learning experiences during the Intensive Residential and in online sessions.
  • Assist in the selection of a Ministry Project or Projects that enhance the ministry of your sending church or organisation and is agreed by GCF.
  • Provide a reasonable schedule for online sessions and work with you to maximise your participation.
  • Award a GCF Leadership Experience Certificate on provision that all Course requirements have been met by the end of the Leadership Experience year.

In agreeing to this Covenant, you the Participant undertake to:

  • Commit to fully participate in the year-long experience, both online and in person.
  • Fulfil all agreed financial obligations before arriving at the GCF LE Intensive, including the purchase of travel insurance
  • Organise meetings with both your mentor and your supervisor at least once a month except when at the Intensive Course, and take the opportunity to learn from their wisdom and advice.
  • Complete Community Research assignments, reading / writing assignments and online forum assignments on time and to the satisfaction of the requirements of each.
  • Seek guidance from your supervisor and from GCF LE Facilitation Team in the selection, planning and implementation of the Ministry Project(s)
  • Submit reports to the GCF LE Facilitation Team on the progress of the Ministry Project.
  • Evaluate your GCF LE experience at the end of the Leadership Course
  • Take responsibility to ensure necessary and timely access to the internet
  • Agree to submit to decisions relating to impropriety or failure to comply with this covenant, even if these decisions terminate your involvement in the Course. Such decision would be made by the GCF LE Facilitation Team in agreement with your supervisor. No refund of monies paid would be provided.